BMW - P1083 Fuel control limit mixture too lean (bank 1 sensor1) * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1084 Fuel control limit mixture too rich (bank 1 sensor1) * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1085 Fuel control limit mixture too lean (bank 2 sensor1) * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1086 Fuel control limit mixture too rich (bank 2 sensor1) * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1087 02 sensor circuit slow response in lean control range (bank 1 sensor1) * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1088 02 sensor circuit slow response in rich control range (bank 1 sensor1) * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1089 02 sensor circuit slow response in lean control range (bank 1 sensor2) * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1090 Pre catalyst fuel trim system too lean bank 1 * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1091 Pre catalyst fuel trim system too rich bank 1 * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1092 Pre catalyst fuel trim system too lean bank 2 * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1093 Pre catalyst fuel trim system too rich bank 2 * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1094 02 sensor circuit slow response in rich control range (bank 2sensor1) * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1095 02 sensor signal circuit slow switching from lean to rich (bank1 sensor1) * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1096 02 sensor signal circuit slow switching from lean to rich (bank2 sensor1) * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1097 02 sensor circuit slow response after coast down fuel cut -off (bank 1 sensor 2) * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1098 02 sensor circuit slow response after coast down fuel cut -off (bank 2 sensor 2) * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1111 Engine coolant temperature radiator outlet sensor low input * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1112 Engine coolant temperature radiator outlet sensor high input * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1115 Coolant temperature sensor plausibility * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1116 Mass or volume air flow circuit range / performance problem (bank 2) * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1117 Mass or volume air flow circuit low input (bank 2) * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1118 Mass or volume air flow circuit high input (bank 2) * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1120 Pedal position sensor circuit * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1121 Pedal position sensor 1 range / performance problem * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1122 Pedal position sensor 1 low input * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1123 Pedal position sensor 1 high input * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1132 02 sensor heater control circuit (bank1 sensor 1) * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1133 02 sensor heater control circuit (bank2 sensor 1) * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1134 02 sensor heater circiut signal intermittent (bank1 sensor1) * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1135 02 sensor heater circiut low voltage (bank1 sensor1) * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1136 02 sensor heater circiut high voltage (bank1 sensor1) * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1137 02 sensor heater circiut signal intermittent (bank1 sensor2) * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1138 02 Sensor heater circiut low voltage (bank1 sensor2) * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1139 02 sensor heater circiut high voltage (bank1 sensor2) * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1140 Mass or volume air flow circuit range / performance problem * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1145 Solenoid valve running losses conrtol circuit electrical * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1151 02 sensor heater circuit signal intermittent (bank 2 sensor 1) * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1152 02 sensor heater circuit low voltage (bank 2 sensor 1) * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1153 02 sensor heater circuit high voltage (bank 2 sensor 1) * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1155 02 sensor heater circuit signal intermittent (bank 2 sensor 2) * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1156 02 sensor heater circuit low voltage (bank 2 sensor 2) * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1157 02 sensor heater circuit high voltage (bank 2 sensor 2) * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1158 Fuel trim adaptation additive bank 1 low * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1159 Fuel trim adaptation additive bank 1 high * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1160 Fuel trim adaptation additive bank 2 low * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1161 Fuel trim adaptation additive bank 2 high M52: Engine oil temperature sensor circuit * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1162 Fuel trim adaptation additive per ignition bank 1 low * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1163 Fuel trim adaptation additive per ignition bank 1 high * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1164 Fuel trim adaptation additive per ignition bank 2 low * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1165 Fuel trim adaptation additive per ignition bank 2 high * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1174 Fuel trim adaptation additive bank 1 malfunction * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1175 Fuel trim adaptation additive bank 2 malfunction * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1176 02 sensor slow response bank 1 * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1177 02 sensor slow response bank 2 * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1178 02 sensor signal circuit slow switching from rich to lean (bank 1 sensor 1) * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1179 02 sensor signal circuit slow switching from rich to lean (bank 2 sensor 1) * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1180 02 sensor signal circuit slow switching from rich to lean (bank 1 sensor 2) * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1181 02 sensor signal circuit slow switching from rich to lean (bank 2sensor 2) * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1182 02 sensor (bank 1 sensor 2) open circuit during coast sown fuel cut - off * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1183 02 sensor (bank 2 sensor 2) open circuit during coast down fuel cut - off * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1186 02 sensor heater control circuit (bank 1 sensor 2) * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1187 02 sensor heater control circuit (bank 2 sensor 2) * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1188 Fuel control (bank 1 sensor 1) * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1189 Fuel control (bank 2 sensor 1) * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1190 Pre catalyst fuel trim system bank 1 * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1191 Pre catalyst fuel trim system bank 2 * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1192 Post catalyst fuel trim system bank 1 * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1193 Post catalyst fuel trim system bank 2 * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1221 Pedal position sensor 2 range / performance problem * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1222 Pedal position sensor 2 low input * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1223 Pedal position sensor 2 high input * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1270 control module self -test,torque monitoring M73: Mass air flow sensor bank comparison plausibility * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1271 Ambient air pressure sensor electrical * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1283 Switching solenoid for air assisted injection valves bank 1 control circuit electrical * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1284 Switching solenoid for air assisted injection valves bank 1 control circuit signal low * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1285 Switching solenoid for air assisted injection valves bank 1 control circuit signal high * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1287 Switching solenoid for air assisted injection valves bank 2 control circuit electrical * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1288 Switching solenoid for air assisted injection valves bank 2 control circuit signal low * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1289 Switching solenoid for air assisted injection valves bank 2 control circuit signal high * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1313 'A' Camshaft position actuator plausibility * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1317 'B' Camshaft position actuator plausibility * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1327 Knock sensor 2 (bank 1) low input * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1328 Knock sensor 2 (bank 1) high input * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1332 Knock sensor 4 low input * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1333 Knock sensor 4 high input * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1340 Multiple cylinder misfire during start * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1341 Multiple cylinder misfire with fuel cut -off * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1342 Misfire during start cylinder 1 * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1343 Misfire cylinder 1 with fuel cut - off * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1344 Misfire during start cylinder 2 * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1345 Misfire cylinder 2 with fuel cut - off * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1346 Misfire during start cylinder 3 * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1347 Misfire cylinder 3 with fuel cut - off * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1348 Misfire during start cylinder 4 * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1349 Misfire cylinder 4 fuel cut -off * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1350 Misfire during start cylinder 5 * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1351 Misfire cylinder 5 with fuel cut - off * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1352 Misfire during start cylinder 6 * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1353 Misfire cylinder 6 with fuel cut - off * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1354 Misfire during start cylinder 7 * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1355 Misfire cylinder 7 with fuel cut - off * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1356 Misfire during start cylinder 8 * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1357 Misfire cylinder 8 with fuel cut - off * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1358 Misfire during start cylinder 9 * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1359 Misfire cylinder 9 with fuel cut - off * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1360 Misfire during start cylinder 10 * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1361 Misfire cylinder 10 with fuel cut -off * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1362 Misfire during start cylinder 11 * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1363 Misfire cylinder 11 with fuel cut -off * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1364 Misfire during start cylinder 12 * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1365 Misfire cylinder 12 with fuel cut -off * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1384 Knock sensor 3 circuit * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1385 Knock sensor 4 circuit * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1386 Control module self -test,knock control circuit baseline test bank 1 * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1396 Crankshaft position sensor segment timing plausibility * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1397 Camshaft position sensor 'B' circuit (bank 1) * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1400 Heatedcatalystbatteryvoltageor currenttoo lowduring heating (bank 1) * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1401 Heated catalyst current too high during heating (bank 1) * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1402 Heated catalyst power switch over temperature condition (bank 1) * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1403 Carbon canister shut -off valve control circuit electrical - or -M73: heated catalyst battery voltage of current too low during heating (bank 2) * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1404 Heated catalyst current too high during heating (bank 2) * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1405 Heated catalyst power switch over temperature condition (bank 2) * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1406 Heated catalyst internal control module checksum / ROM error * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1413 Secondary air injection pump relay control circuit signal low * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1414 Secondary air injection pump relay control circuit signal high * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1420 Secondary air valve control circuit electrical * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1421 Secondary air system bank 2 * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1423 Secondary air system bank 1 * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1432 Secondary air injection system incorrect flow detected * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1438 Purge control valve control open circuit * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1439 Purge control valve control circuit signal low * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1440 Purge control valve control circuit signal high * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1441 Leakage diagnostic pump control open circuit * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1442 Leakage diagnostic pump control circuit signal low * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1443 Leakage diagnostic pump control circuit signal high * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1444 Diagnostic module tank leakage (DM -TL) pump control open circuit * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1445 Diagnostic module tank leakage (DM -TL) pump control circuit signal low * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1446 Diagnostic module tank leakage (DM -TL) pump control circuit signal high * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1447 Diagnostic module tank leakage (DM -TL) pump current too high during switching solenoid test * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1448 Diagnostic module tank leakage (DM -TL) pump current too low during switching solenoid test * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1449 Diagnostic module tank leakage (DM -TL) pump current too high (during switching solenoid test) * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1450 Diagnostic module tank leakage (DM -TL) switching solenoid control open circuit * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1451 Diagnostic module tank leakage (DM -TL) switching solenoid control circuit signal low * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1452 Diagnostic module tank leakage (DM -TL) switching solenoid control circuit signal high * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1453 Secondary air injection pump relay control circuit electrical * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1454 Secondary air injection pump with series resistor control circuit electrical * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1456 Heated catalyst heater power supply open circuit (bank 1) * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1457Heated catalystpower switchtemperature sensorelectrical(bank 1) * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1459 Heated catalyst heater power supply open circuit (bank 2) * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1460Heated catalystpower switchtemperaturesensor electrical(bank 2) * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1461 Heated catalyst gate voltage signal low * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1462 Heated catalyst internal control module checksum / EEPROM error * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1463 Heated catalyst battery temperature sensor 1 electrical * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1464 Heated catalyst battery temperature sensor 2 electrical * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1465 Heated catalyst battery temperature sensor 1 or 2 plausibility * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1466 Heated catalyst power switch temperature sensor plausibility * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1467 Heated catalyst comparison battery voltages of power switches plausibility * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1468 Heated catalyst battery disconnecting switch plausibility * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1470 Leakage diagnostic pump control circuit electrical * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1472 Diagnostic module tank leakage (DM -TL) switching solenoid control circuit electrical * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1473 Diagnostic module tank leakage (DM -TL) pump current plausibility * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1475 Leakage diagnostic pump reed switch did not close * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1476 Leakage diagnostic pump clamped tube -or -M52 MY99/00: Leakage diagnostic pump reed switch circuit electrical * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1477 Leakage diagnostic pump reed switch did not open * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1500 Idle -speed control valve stuck open * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1501 Idle -speed control valve stuck closed * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1502 Idle -speed control valve closing solenoid control circuit signal high * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1503 Idle -speed control valve closing solenoid control circuit signal low * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1504 Idle -speed controlvalve closingsolenoid controlopencircuit * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1505 Idle -speed control valve closing solenoid control circuit electrical * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1506 Idle -speed control valve opening solenoid control circuit signal high * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1507 Idle -speed control valve opening solenoid control circuit signal low * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1508 Idle -speed controlvalve openingsolenoid controlopencircuit * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1509 Idle -speed control valve opening solenoid control circuit electrical * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1510 Idle -speed control valve stuck * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1511 DISA (differentiated intake manifold) control circuit electrical * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1512 DISA (differentiated intake manifold) control circuit signal low * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1513 DISA (differentiated intake manifold) control circuit signal high * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1519 'A' camshaft position actuator bank 1 * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1520 'B' camshaft position actuator bank 1 * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1522 'A' camshaft position actuator bank 2 * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1523 'A' camshaft position actuator signal low bang 1 - or -M52: Camshaft position actuator tight or jammed * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1524 'A' camshaft position actuator control circuit signal high bank 1 * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1525 'A' camshaft position actuator control open circuit bank 1 * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1526 'A' camshaft position actuator control open circuit bank 2 * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1527 'A' camshaft position actuator control circuit signal low bank 2 * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1528 'A' camshaft position actuator control circuit signal high bank 2 * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1529 'B' camshaft position actuator control circuit signal low bank1 * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1530 'B' camshaft position actuator control circuit signal high bank1 * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1531 'B' camshaft position actuator control open circuit bank 1 * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1532 'B' camshaft position actuator control open circuit bank 2 * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1533 'B' camshaft position actuator control circuit signal low bank 2 * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1534 'B' camshaft position actuator control circuit signal high bank 2 * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1540 Pedal position sensor * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1541 Pedal position sensor double error * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1542 Pedal position sensor electrical * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1543 Pedal position sensor * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1544 Pedal position sensor * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1545 Pedal position sensor * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1546 Pedal position sensor * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1550 Idle -speed control valve closing solenoid control circuit electrical * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1552 'A' Camshaft position actuator control open circuit bank 1 * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1556 'A' Camshaft position actuator control open circuit bank 1 * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1560 'B' Camshaft position actuator control open circuit bank 1 * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1564 Control module selection * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1565 'B' Camshaft position actuator control open circuit bank 1 * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1569 'A' Camshaft position actuator control open circuit bank 2 * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1573 Electronic control module sensor supply B low output -or - S54/S62: 'A' Camshaft position actuator control circuit signal low bank 2 * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1580 Throttle valve mechanically stuck * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1581 'B' Camshaft position actuator control open circuit bank 2 * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1589 Control module self - test,knock control test pulse bank 1 * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1593 DISA (Differentiated intake manifold) control circuit electrical * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1594 'B' Camshaft position actuator control open circuit bank 2 * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1602 Control module self - test,control module defective * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1603 Control module self - test,torque monitoring * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1604 Control module self - test,sqeed monitoring * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1608 Serial communication link control module * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1609 Serial communication link EML (electronically engine -power regulation) * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1611 Serial communication link transmission control module * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1619 Map cooling thermostat control circuit signal low * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1620 Map cooling thermostat control circuit signal high * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1622 Map cooling thermostat control circuit electrical * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1623 Pedal position sensor potentiometer supply * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1624 Pedal position sensor potentiometer supply channel 1 electrical -or -M52: coolant thermostat (coolant temperature below thermostat regulating temperature) * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1625 Pedalposition sensorpotentiometersupplychannel2electrical * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1632 Throttle valve adaptation;Adaptation conditions not met * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1633 Throttle valve adaptation;Limp -home position unknown * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1634 Throttle valve adaptation;Spring test failed * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1635 Throttle valve adaptation;Lower mechanical stop not adapted * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1636 Throttle valve control circuit * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1637 Throttle valve position control;Control deviation * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1638 Throttle valve position control;Throttle stuck temporarily * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1639 Throttle valve position control;Throttle stuck permanently * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1640 Internal control module (ROM / RAM) error * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1690 Malfunction indicator lamp (MIL) electrical * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1734 Pressure control solenoid 'B' electrical * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1738 Pressure control solenoid 'C' electrical * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1743 Pressure control solenoid 'E' electrical -or -M44/M52: Brake band electrical * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1744 Pressure control solenoid 'A' electrical * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1746 Transmission control module output stage * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1747 CAN - Bus monitoring * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1748 Transmission control module self - test * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1749 Secondary pressure solenoid communication error -or -M52: Transmission control module internal memory * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1750 Secondary pressure solenoid circuit range / performance -or -M44/M52/M62/M73: System voltage input low * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1751 Secondary pressure solenoid open circuit -or -M52: System voltage input high * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1761 Shift lock solenoid malfunction * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1765 CAN throttle valve * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1770 CAN torque interface * BGDIAGNOSTICA
BMW - P1780 CAN torque reduction * BGDIAGNOSTICA
БГдиагностика - София.